Sunday, August 10, 2008

Speak Easy ... with a Twist

Cocktails prove the idiom that the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts. Well, this blog is drunk on axioms as is, so let's put some posting where our typepad is. 

From here on out, Speak Easy will have multiple authors -- and will showcase the best cocktails and drinking parlors in not just New York, but also San Francisco and Cincinnati. It's the East, West and Nearly Center of drinking in America, and we're delighted to seek out the best cocktail lounges, wine bars, beer gardens, and studio apartment mini-fridges throughout the country. 

So welcome, all those who drink and tell. Sidle up to the bar, order a drink, and share your city's haunts with us. Cheers! 

After all, it's five o'clock somewhere.

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