Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Roy Rogers

A deliciously consequence-free concoction of sweet sparkling cola and grenadine syrup, the Roy Rogers will never lead you down dark alleys in your bloomers screaming, "I'm too beautiful to not be naked!" at the top of your lungs like some other drinks will. Believe me; I know. Now if only I could find those bloomers.

Because sometimes you have to give bad habits the boot...

The Roy Rogers' worst offense may be a cavity of two, but, h-e-double-hockey-stick, you won't even be too drunk to brush your teeth when you get home from that saloon, so even dental hygiene is well-served by this mocktail. Everyone's happy. Well, everyone except the potato-shaped halitosis man eying you in the corner. No, he's hoping you'll start downing both the gin and your inhibitions mighty quick. But no worry. Roy's here. There'll be none of that under his watch. So happy trails to you. And bottoms up!


6 oz. of cola
1/4 oz. of grenadine

stir well and garnish with a maraschino cherry,
serve in a collins glass filled with ice

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

What happened to you? I've read about the Roy Rogers about 20 times now. More liquid education, please.